Your Birthday Spread
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Your Present Position in the World

Seven of Cups

Deception, an overactive imagination, and the illusion of success. Strengths are not consolidated to work as one.

Your Goals for the Next Year

King of Pentacles Reversed

Misuse of skills. Prone to vice. Easily corrupted. Possibly dangerous when angered.

That Which Empowers You

Five of Cups

That which was expected to bring joy may bring sorrow. Disillusionment with relationships. The loss of friends, partners and lovers.

Powers You Need to Develop

Queen of Pentacles Reversed

A lack of trust may prevail. Obligations and duties are not attended. Failure is feared.

Your Present Material Self

The Sun Reversed

The outcome of future plans is nebulous. Trouble with relationships and work is very possible.

Your Present Emotional State

The Moon

This card represents serendipity, creativity and the coming to life of psychic powers. It may also signify dangers yet seen, deception and bad luck for someone dear to you.

Your Present Spiritual Self

The Eight of Wands Reversed

Delay seems probable. Jealousy may become a problem.

That Which Opposes You

The World

This card represents the success in all its forms, liberation from want and a celestial consciousness.

What You Need to Do to Realize Your Goals

Nine of Pentacles Reversed

A time to proceed with caution. Ventures may falter. Properties and friendships may be at risk.

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